The Best Books
For The Care and Training of
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
(and a few others, too)
The Best
- New Releases
- The Oldies
- Home-Prepared Meals
- The Rest
- ...And Just For the Beauty of the Breed
The Best
We recommend these books about cavalier King Charles spaniels and how to care for them. There are very few books about CKCSs which are totally open and honest about the serious genetic diseases which afflict the breed. Most books on this subject are written by cavalier breeders who want to promote their dogs and their kennels.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (Complete Pet Owner's
Manual), by D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D. is the exception to this rule. It is well
written, balanced, and objective, and the author has no ulterior motive in
writing it. It also is reasonably priced and usually is easy to find in
major bookstores, or you may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the
left or
click here.
Dr. Coile has a blog about dogs:
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Handbook: The Essential Guide to
Cavaliers (Canine Handbooks), by Linda Whitwam. This is a 266-page
book published in 2018 by a UK canine author, who has teamed up with
cavalier experts to answer dozens of questions about the breed. It covers
such topics as: how to spot a poorly-bred puppy; how to find a good breeder
and what questions to ask; how to pick a healthy puppy or adult; choosing
the right temperament; male or female?; puppy-proofing your home; finding
and caring for rescue cavaliers; and, of course, cavalier health in depth.
It is very reasonably priced and usually is easy to find in major
bookstores, or you may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the
left or click here.
King Charles Spaniel: REVISED & EXPANDED: Comprehensive Care from Puppy to Senior, by Charlotte
Spencer. This is another well-balanced book, with information relating to
care, health, training, understanding, grooming, showing, costs, rescue,
breeders, breeding, and behavior problems. It is reasonably priced and
usually is easy to find in major bookstores, or you may order it on-line by
clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
King Charles Spaniel- Animal Planet Dogs 101,
by Laura
Lang. This is written by a
breeder who has dedicated her cavalier breeding program to ridding future generations of CKCSs of
early-onset MVD and other genetic disorders.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at
the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (DogLife),
by Loren Spiotta-DiMare,
is a spiral-bound reference book by an experienced pet book author, which
discusses each aspect of a cavalier's life chronologically in three different
parts puppy, adult, senior. It has an excellent section on the genetic
disorders of the CKCS. The book also includes a 60-minute training DVD and
coupons worth $20. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the
left or
click here.
For the Love of Ollie,
by Sandy Ross Smith, tells the very touching story about one
cavalier's struggle with the painful, debilitating disease of
syringomyelia, along with helpful information about the disorder. All
proceeds from the sale of this book will be directed towards the
syringomyelia genome research fund established at the Hospital for Sick
Children in Toronto, Canada. You may order it on-line by clicking the
book cover at the left or
click here.
Malformation and Syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels,
by Clare
Rusbridge, is her 2007 doctoral thesis. We are so fortunate that
veterinary specialists such as Dr. Rusbridge have devoted so much of their
professional careers to studying CM and SM in our breed. This book is a
thorough compendium of several areas of her research. And best of all for
us, it is FREE! An on-line, searchable edition of this book is available
to all of us simply by clicking on the book cover at the left or
click here.
Life with George: What I Learned About Joy from One Neurotic (and Very
Expensive) Dog, by Judith Summers, is the hilarious and moving
account of the impossible but adorable George, and of the wonderful way in
which he helped to fill a huge void in the lives of both Judith and her son
while driving them absolutely barking mad along the way. You may order
it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, by Bruce Field,
was last published in 1996 and so is out of print. But, if you can
find a copy, it is well worth searching for. This was the definitive book
about the breed at the time Mr. Field, a top breeder and judge, wrote it.
It belongs as a reference for every breeder and dedicated owner. You
may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Saving Gracie: How One Dog Escaped the Shadowy World of American
Puppy Mills, by Carol Bradley, is about a sickly cavalier King
Charles spaniel, worn out from producing litter after litter of puppies, is
rescued and transformed into a loving, healthy member of her new family.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Chiari-Like Malformation and Syringomyelia: A Handbook for
Veterinary Professionals, by Dominick J. Marino, Curtis W. Dewey,
Catherine A. Loughin, and Clare Rusbridge. The title says it all.
These authors all are veterinary neurological specialists who are among the
primary researchers into Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia in the
cavalier King Charles spaniel. And best of all for us, this book is FREE! An
on-line edition is available simply by clicking on the book
cover at the left or
click here.
Nutrigenomics: The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health,
by W. Jean Dodds and Diana R. Laverdure. Using functional foods
to achieve ideal weight, conquer disease, and create radiant health from
inside out.
You cannot change your dog’s genes, but you can change how those
genes behave when you read this book. You may order it on-line by
clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Fit for a Dog!: The Truth About Manufactured Dog and Cat Food,
by Michael W. Fox, Elizabeth Hodgkins, and Marion E. Smart. The
massive recall of more than 1,000 different varieties of dog and cat foods
is the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the radar of inadequate government
oversight, there are serious problems about pet food manufacturers’ claims
and assurances of product safety and quality. This book’s disturbing
findings conclude that too many veterinarians are uninformed of the dangers
of mixing some pet food with prescribed medication and antibiotics which may
exacerbate the pet’s condition. You may order it on-line by clicking the
book cover at the left or
cllck here.
Good Owners, Great Dogs,
by Brian Kilcommons, is
the absolute best book for basic training of both the cavalier and its
owner. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left
click here.
The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health: The complete pet health
resource for your dog, cat, horse or other pets - in everyday language,
by Merck Publishing and Merial. The title says it all! This
in-depth new resource, authored by over 200 veterinary experts, covers the
full spectrum of today's pets, from dogs, cats and horses to birds,
reptiles, fish and other exotic pets. No other book provides as much health
information on as many types of animals. The one resource for a lifetime of
pets. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left
click here.
Control of Canine Genetic Diseases,
by George A. Padgett,
is the most important single volume ever written about dogs' genetic
diseases. We include this book as a reference in the Veterinary Resources
sections of several of the pages of this website. You may order it on-line by
clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats
(Second Edition), by Alex Gough and Alison Thomas, is a
comprehensive reference to all the diseases and disorders of dogs and cats
that are either inherited or more prevalent in certain breeds. This Second
Edition was released in 2010, and on its cover are a photo of a cavalier
King Charles spaniel and an MRI scan of a cavalier, showing Chiari-like
malformation and syringomyelia. This book follows on the heels of Dr.
Padgett's book, above. We also include this book as a reference in the
Veterinary Resources sections of several of the pages of this website. You
may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Canine Thyroid Epidemic: Answers You Need for Your Dog, by W. Jean Dodds,
Diana Laverdure. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at
the left or
click here.
If your dog is lethargic, losing his hair, gaining weight or suddenly becomes aggressive, perhaps the last thing you would think about is his thyroid. Unfortunately, however, thyroid disorders can cause literally dozens of health and behavioral problems in dogs and frequently go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. And the real tragedy is that most thyroid problems are treatable with the right medical care and a well-informed owner can often minimize the chance of a thyroid disorder occurring in the first place. Noted veterinarian Jean Dodds and co-author Diana Laverdure have done the dog owning public and their vets a great service by writing The Canine Thyroid Epidemic. The book is written in such a way to inform both the average dog owner and animal health care professionals about the ways in which thyroid disorders occur, can be prevented and treated.
in Dogs and Cats, by Dr. G. M. Strain. You may order it
on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles spaniels are predisposed to a form of congenital deafness and to a progressive hereditary hearing loss, which usually begins during puppyhood and worsens, or progresses, until the dog is completely deaf, usually between the ages of three and five years. See Deafness and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This book provides complete coverage of the subject describing the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, types of deafness, testing for deafness, methods of amelioration and management, behaviour of deaf animals, and other issues associated with living and dealing with deaf pets.
Disorders Presumed to be inherited in purebred dog
, by the Genetics Committee of the American College of Veterinary
Ophthalmologists. This the tenth edition of the "Blue Book" of
the ACVO. Cavalier King Charles spaniels are predisposed to a variety of
eye disorders. We discuss all of them separately, but a good place to
start is on our Eyes webpage.
This book provides the most significant veterinary resources upon which
we rely. And, it's FREE! An on-line edition is available simply by
clicking on the book cover at the left or
click here.
New Releases
Matter of Breeding: A Biting History of Pedigree Dogs and How the Quest
for Status Has Harmed Man's Best Friend. By Michael Brandow.
A provocative look at the “cult of pedigree” and an entertaining social
history of purebred dogs. In this illuminating and entertaining social
history, social critic Michael Brandow probes the “cult of pedigree” and
traces the commercial rise of the purebred dog. Combining consumer
studies with sharp commentary, A Matter of Breeding reveals the sordid
history of the dog industry and shows how our brand-name pets—from Labs
to French bulldogs and everything in between—pay the price with
devastatingly poor health.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Genetic Connection: A Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs, Second Edition,
by Lowell Ackerman. This is the most comprehensive collection of breed-specific
diagnosis and treatment options available. The resource includes practical
guidelines on diagnosing and treating canine health disorders; a comprehensive,
fully referenced compilation of breed specific data; and helpful tables of dog
breeds and the conditions to which they are susceptible. It has been fully
reviewed by board-certified veterinarians, the information is easy to read and
logically organized alphabetically by body system.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
The Oldies
These books, most written by cavalier breeders of days bygone, have been out of print for several years. Occasionally, they show up online at Amazon, in used book stores, at estate auctions, and on eBay and other Internet auctions. Many CKCS fanciers consider some of these books to be "classics".
All About the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,
by Evelyn M.
Booth. Published in 1983. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the
book cover at the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (The Dog Owner's
Library), by Susan Burgess. Published in 1975. Try to find a copy
on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: An Owner's Companion, by John Evans. It was first published in 1990 and was updated and re-released in 2003 as a paperback. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, by Mary Forwood. Published in 1967. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in North America, by Barbara
Garnett-Smith. Published in 1998. Try to find a copy on-line by
clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Your First Cavalier, by Barbara McKenzie. Published in 1984. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Today (Book of the Breed), by Sheila Smith. Published in 1995. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
How to Raise and Train a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, by Elizabeth C. Spalding. Published in 1965. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, by Eilidh M. Stenning. Published in 1964. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
King Charles Spaniels (Pet Owner's Guide Series), by Ken Town.
Published in 1997. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at
the right or
click here.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (World of Dogs), by Margaret Workman. Published in 1999. Try to find a copy on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
Home-Prepared Meals
See our Diets for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels webpage for a list of books we recommend to cavalier owners who are interested in feeding their dogs home-prepared meals.
The Rest
Here are some other books about the breed, some written by breeders of cavalier King Charles spaniels and others by professional writers. We make no recommendations regarding any of these books, mainly due to their lack of candidness and thoroughness about the main genetic disorders affecting the breed.
King Charles Spaniel: Your Happy Healthy Pet, by Norma Moffat.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, in Fact and Fancy, by Barbara
Garnett-Wilson, Roy A. Wilson, and Kenneth Ottinger. You may
order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or
click here.
New Owners Guide to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, by Meredith
Johnson-Snyder. You may order it on-line by clicking the book
cover at the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Terra Nova Series), by Myra
Savant-Harris. You may order it on-line by clicking the book
cover at the right or
click here.
King Charles Spaniel (Kennel Club Dog Breed Series), by Juliette
Cunliffe. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover
at the left or
click here.
King Charles Spaniels (Animal Planet Pet Care Library),
by Susan M.
Ewing. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at
the right or
click here.
King Charles Spaniel (Best of Breed), by Maryann Hogan. You
may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Smart Owner's Guide), by Dog Fancy Editors.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or
click here.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog Expert), by Lucy Koster. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (An Owner’s Guide), by Nick Mays. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
...And Just For the Beauty of the Breed
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: A Tribute in Art, edited by Barbara
Garnett-Wilson. This book is about the breed in art. The cavalier King
Charles spaniel, and its predecessors, have a long history in the world of fine
art, and this book is a masterpiece of its own. You may order it on-line by
clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
Best in Show: The Dog in Art from the Renaissance to Today, by Peter Bowron, Carolyn Rose Rebbert, Robert Rosenblum, and William Secord. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Dog Painting: A History of the Dog in Art, by William Secord. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
Dog Painting: The European Breeds, by William Secord. There is a cavalier on the cover! You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
A Breed Apart: The Art Collections of The American Kennel Club and The American Kennel Club Museum of The Dog, by William Secord. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.
American Dog at Home: The Dog Portraits of Christine Merrill,
William Secord. This book features artist Christine Merrill, whose fondness for painting
cavaliers is
noteworthy. William Secord's essays include a biography of Ms. Merrill and his
interviews and photos of 33 of her clients.
The Dog Writers' Association of America has awarded this book the "Book of the Year" award for 2010. You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Charles Faudree Details,
by Charles Faudree, Francesanne Tucker,
and Jenifer Jordan. The late Charles Faudree was a very popular interior
designer in Tulsa, Oklahoma who was famous also for featuring his cavalier
King Charles spaniels in his books about his design successes. He even designed a toile fabric aptly called Cavalier Toile. In this
book, he showed how to design your house around your cavaliers. You may order
it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or
click here.
For a list of Charles Faudree's other interior design books, all featuring his cavaliers, click here.
Charles Faudree Home, by Charles Faudree and Jenifer Jordan.
The late Faudree did it again. He was a very
popular interior designer in Tulsa, Oklahoma who was famous also for featuring
his cavalier King Charles spaniels in his books about his design successes. He
even designed a toile fabric aptly called Cavalier Toile. He showed how to
design your house around your cavaliers. In this book, he even put one of his
cavaliers on the cover.
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the right or click here.
Buatta: Fifty Years of American Interior Decoration, by Mario Buatta,
Emily Evans Eerdmans and Paige Rense. Mario Buatta is the interior
designer who made cavalier King Charles spaniel artwork a decorating icon. He
has been adding paintings of cavaliers and King Charles spaniels to the walls
and tabletops of nearly every one of his clients' homes since the 1960s. He
finally has published his own 400+ page tome, richly illustrated with color
photos of the interiors of dozens of homes. Cavalier lovers will not be
You may order it on-line by clicking the book cover at the left or click here.