About Us:

CavalierHealth.org is dedicated to providing easy Internet access to
factual information about the health of and severe genetic health
disorders which afflict the cavalier King Charles spaniel.
CavalierHealth.org is offered as an educational public service by the Cavalier Health Fund, a charitable trust (tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code), of which Blenheim Company serves as a trustee. Blenheim Company has been dedicated to the welfare and health of cavalier King Charles spaniels since the 1970s. Blenheim Company has been providing breed health information, as a service to cavalier King Charles spaniels and their owners in the United States and Canada, since 1998 and has been providing this website since 2001.
Blenheim Company's headquarters is located in the State of Florida, USA. Contact Us to reach Blenheim Company. You may also find us on Twitter and Facebook.